
Economic Growth

In economics, economic growth refers to the increase in the output of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. It is typically measured by the rise in a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Product (GNP), adjusted for inflation, which reflects the real value of the output.

Economic growth indicates an economy's ability to produce more, and it can result from factors such as:

  1. Increased capital investment: Businesses and governments invest more in equipment, infrastructure, or technology, boosting productivity.
  2. Labor force expansion: Growth in the working-age population or improvements in education and skills.
  3. Technological innovation: Advances in technology make production more efficient and increase output.
  4. Improved resource allocation: Better utilization of resources, including labor and capital, results in higher efficiency and productivity.

Sustained economic growth can improve the standard of living in a country by increasing incomes, reducing poverty, and enhancing the availability of goods and services. However, it must be managed carefully to avoid negative consequences like income inequality or environmental degradation.

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