
Bottom Billion (Book)

"The Bottom Billion" is a book written by economist Paul Collier in which he discusses the challenges facing the poorest countries in the world and how they can be helped to escape poverty.

Collier argues that the bottom billion countries, which account for about 15% of the world's population, are trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and conflict, and that they need targeted assistance from the international community in order to break out of this cycle.

In the book, Collier identifies four main traps that keep the bottom billion countries trapped in poverty: conflict, natural resource exports, being landlocked with bad neighbors, and bad governance. He argues that each of these traps requires a different type of intervention in order to address it, and that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work.

Collier also discusses the role of the international community in addressing the challenges facing the bottom billion, and calls for a renewed focus on development assistance and other forms of support. He argues that while there is no quick fix for the problems faced by the bottom billion, there are steps that can be taken to help these countries escape poverty and build more prosperous futures.

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