George Akerlof
George Akerlof was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001 for his work on asymmetric information, which refers to situations where one party has more information than another party in a transaction. Akerlof is best known for his work on the "lemons problem," which explains how the quality of goods in a market can be adversely affected by asymmetric information.
See also
1.3.4 Information Gaps (Edexcel)
Study Notes
What is symmetric information?
Study Notes
Information Economics - The Market for Lemons
Study Notes
Information Failure: Four Short Revision Videos
Topic Videos
Economics Primer - The Market for Lemons
24th July 2016
Market Failure and Akerlof’s Lemons
25th February 2016
Guaranteed bank deposits and the market for lemons
8th July 2015