Quizzes & Activities

Poverty and Inequality (Quizlet Revision Activity)

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 26 Jan 2019

Here is a new Quizlet revision activity covering key terms in the economics of poverty and inequality. Check and test your understanding!

Key term summary on poverty and inequality

  • Absolute poverty When someone is not able to satisfy his or her minimum requirements for food, clothing or shelter
  • Equality of opportunity When life outcomes depend only on factors for which persons are responsible, and not on disadvantageous factors outside of their control
  • Equality of outcomes A state in which people have similar economic conditions
  • Extreme poverty Percentage of a country's population living on less than $1.90 a day adjusted for purchasing power parity. (World Bank definition)
  • Gini Coefficient Measure of income inequality where zero represents complete equality and 1 represents complete inequality.
  • Human capital Factors such as knowledge, skills and health, which increase the productivity of the individual
  • Living Wage A voluntary pay floor offered by more than 5,000 UK firms which lies above the statutory minimum hourly rate
  • Median income The amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups
  • Palma Ratio The ratio of income flowing to the top 10% of income households divided by the income going to the poorest 40% of people.
  • Poverty A pronounced and often persistent deprivation in economic well-being
  • Poverty Trap Disincentives to look for work or work longer hours because of the effects of the tax & benefits system.
  • Relative poverty line In the UK, this is a household with annual income less than sixty percent of the median.
  • S80-S20 Ratio Share of income or consumption received by the richest and poorest quintiles (20%) in society.
  • Ultra poverty Those who spend more than 80 per cent of their income on food but obtain less than 80 per cent of their food energy needs
  • Universal Basic Income When all adults receive a no-strings-attached sum from the state to cover the basic cost of living. This is paid to everyone regardless of wealth.
  • Universal Credit Single monthly benefit designed to replace 6 separate benefits for people who are on low income or out of work
  • Wasting People with a low weight for height, generally the result of weight loss associated with a recent period of starvation or illness
  • Working poverty People whose incomes fall below a given poverty line due to lack of work hours and/or low wages.

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