Quizzes & Activities

Edexcel Theme 2 Macro Knowledge Book - The Multiplier and Economic Growth


Last updated 28 Dec 2018

Here are some links and revision activities for students and teachers using the Edexcel Theme 2 Knowledge Book for Economics. This section covers the multiplier and economic growth.

The multiplier

The section on the multiplier can be found from page 47 onwards:

An initial change in aggregate demand can have a much greater final impact on the level of equilibrium national income. This is known as the multiplier effect.

Collection of study resources on the multiplier can be found here

You Tube playlist on the topic of the multiplier can be found here

Quizlet revision activity on the multiplier

Economic growth

Economic growth is a long-term expansion of the productive potential of the economy.

The section on economic growth can be found from page 50 onwards.

Collection of study resources on economic growth can be found here

Resources centred around the topic of economic growth can be found here

You Tube playlist on the topic of economic growth can be found here

Quizlet revision activity on economic growth (contains some year 2 concepts)

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