Topic Videos

Economics of the Crisis - Impact on Businesses [Head Start in A-Level Economics]

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 11 May 2020

In this second online lesson we look at the impact of the economic crisis on different businesses and industries.


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Video 1

In video one of the second Head Start course on the economic crisis, we look at businesses and industries who are suffering steep declines in sales and revenues and consider how they have responded to preserve cash and stay afloat.

Economics of the Crisis - Business under Pressure

Video 2

In this video we spend a few minutes looking at the market for corporate bonds. A number of businesses have tried to raise extra debt financed by issuing bonds to help them weather the current global economic crisis.

Economics of the Crisis - Corporate Bonds

Video 3

In this video we look at businesses and sectors who have gained from the current economic crisis. This includes a number of platform businesses who gain from utilising economies of very large scale production.

Economics of the Crisis - Businesses who benefit

Suggestions for further reading

FT Rental car businesses fight for survival

Guardian: Ebay enjoys lockdown renaissance as buyers and sellers flock to site

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