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Economics A-Level Teacher Livestream Series (Autumn 2024)


Last updated 11 Oct 2024

The list below shows the schedule of the live-streamed teacher CPD sessions for teachers of A-Level Economics (September to December 2024). Click on individual links to see the recordings.

Creating independent learners in economics (01/10/24)

Ensuring that students meet the 'Guided Learning Hours' is an ongoing challenge, and the best-performing economics students are those that work independently really well outside of class with minimal direction. In this session, we'll explore some approaches that you can use to try and foster this independence from the start of the course.

Save your Weekends! Reducing planning time (08/10/24)

Teaching seems to become ever-busier, and we know that teachers need to protect as much of their 'free' time as possible. In this session, we take a look at a variety of easy-to-implement techniques for reducing planning time yet retaining high quality lesson delivery.

Supporting exam-skill development in students (15/10/24)

The economics curriculum is hefty and it can seem really challenging working out how to also embed plenty of exam-skill practice. Our expert panel will discuss methods and techniques that have worked really well for them, as well as those that haven't!

Finding and using data in the economics classroom (22/10/24)

Queries about 'where to find the best economic data' is one of the most common questions from new economics teachers that finds its way into the tutor2u inbox. In this session, we'll discuss our favourite sources and why we like them, as well as how to use them effectively in the economics classroom.

Low-stakes retrieval activities in the economics classroom (29/10/24)

Knowledge retrieval has become a hot pedagogy topic in recent years, with good reason - there is heaps of evidence to suggest that building in effective knowledge retrieval activities provides stronger foundations for student learning. Our team will take you through some knowledge-retrieval favourites!

Staying up to date with economics for busy teachers (05/11/24)

If you find yourself rolling your eyes at the maths or history department, whose notes and examples don't tend to go out of date, join our (virtual!) club. The best bit and the most challenging bit of economics teaching is dealing with an ever-changing environment. In this session, we look at quick wins for helping you to stay up to date and on top of the best, latest examples to enhance your teaching.

Developing student writing skills (12/11/24)

A close examination of the 'levels of response' descriptors from all awarding bodies makes it really clear that the ability to write well is one of the main facets of student success in economics exams. Our panel discuss their approaches to improving student writing skills and the impact it's had on their results.

Supporting AO2 (application) skills (03/12/24)

Economics students really have to think on their feet in exams, applying their theory to completely new contexts and examples. This can be really daunting and many students struggle. Our team shares a few ideas that you can use to help support the development of this skill in your students.

Important examples to include in your teaching (10/12/24)

Essay questions often require students to bring in their own developed examples to help analyse and evaluate their points. But how do students know which examples are good to use? In this engaging twilight CPD, we'll explore some of our favourite examples that can be deployed in a range of situations.

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