Teaching PowerPoints

4.3.3 Overseas (Development) Aid (Edexcel A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)


Last updated 20 Oct 2023

This Edexcel teaching powerpoint covers Overseas (Development) Aid including the economics of direct cash transfers.

There are several types of development aid:

  • Bilateral aid: Direct financial assistance provided by one country to another.
  • Multilateral aid: Financial assistance provided by multiple countries through international organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, or the United Nations.
  • Technical assistance: Expertise, training, and other forms of support provided to developing countries to help them develop their skills and institutions.
  • Food aid: Food or other assistance provided to help relieve hunger and malnutrition.
  • Emergency aid: Assistance provided in response to natural disasters, conflicts, or other humanitarian emergencies.
  • Debt relief: Canceling or restructuring the debt of developing countries to reduce their financial burden.

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