Teaching PowerPoints

2.6.3 Supply Side Policies (Edexcel A-Level Economics Teaching PowerPoint)


Last updated 30 Oct 2023

This Edexcel teaching powerpoint covers aspects of Supply Side Policies

Supply-side policies are policies that focus on increasing the supply of goods and services in an economy. The idea is that by increasing the supply of goods and services, the economy will grow and become more productive. Some examples of supply-side policies include:

  • Tax cuts: Reducing taxes can give businesses and individuals more money to invest and spend, which can lead to increased economic activity and growth.
  • Deregulation: Removing government regulations can reduce the costs of doing business and encourage innovation, leading to increased supply.
  • Education and training: Investing in education and training can increase the skills and productivity of the workforce, which can increase the supply of skilled labor and boost economic growth.
  • Infrastructure investment: Building roads, bridges, and other infrastructure can increase the efficiency of the economy and make it easier for businesses to produce and transport goods and services.

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