
Yes- Shift Does Happen!

David Carpenter

27th October 2010

shift happens is a youtube phenomenon from a few years ago which spawned countless imitators, but it is still very thought-provoking and should act as an excellent introduction to some of the issues surrounding globalisation.

I remember being shown ‘shift happens’ (yes- shiFt) a few years ago when I was doing my PGCE, but it’s still relevant today and I intend to use it, possibly along with a recent update from the same people called ‘did you know? 4.0’ as introductions to some of the issues surrounding globalisation. I hope it will make students realise their place in our globalised economy, and particularly how interconnected everyone is nowadays. It might even make them work a bit harder if they get frightened about having to compete with all those Chinese and Indian graduates!

David Carpenter

Teacher of Economics and Business at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School in Kent. Always interested in new ideas and methods for teaching these subjects, as well as keeping up to date with the latest news.

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