In the News

World Happiness Report 2018 - 'Match Up' activity

Jonny Clark

15th March 2018

The World Happiness Report for 2018 has been released and can be viewed from this link.

As always, it uses a number of criteria to determine how happy (or unhappy) the citizens of countries are and then ranks each country within an index.

It is a reminder to our economics students that the goal of an economy is not purely growth in GDP but to deliver a degree of life satisfaction as well (although there is a clear correlation between the two).

This year brings two interesting details:

  • There is a new country designated as the happiest!
  • The index shows a positive correlation between overall happiness and the happiness of migrants

Here's a 'match up' activity to encourage some data recall for students who might use the Happiness Report as an evaluative argument.

Match the 8 country names to their position in the World Happiness report. Good luck!

Jonny Clark

Jon Clark has been teaching economics and business studies for over 25 years primarily in the Further Education sector. Before joining tutor2u, he was a senior manager at South Cheshire College in Crewe.

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