
Working with Wisdomap

Geoff Riley

22nd June 2009

It was a delight to have Michael Dent and Fred Kalinke, two innovative entrepreneurs from Oxford University at our economics conference last week.

Their new web-based mind mapping tool Wisdomap is an attempt to move away from the all-singing all-dancing bells and whistles of corporare mind-mapping software. Instead Wisdomap offers a clean, uncluttered interface that allows both students and teachers an intuitive way of organising information and thought processes and stores them in a colourful and memorable format. I have been experimenting with Wisdmap this morning and in less than an hour I was finding my way around the software very easily producing two mind maps on EU enlargement and the recession. These are available in the public library.

You can see them here and I will be adding to and developing new and and existing maps over the course of the week. One of the innovative features of the software is a dedicated sidebar for video, images, files, links and notes - which certainly helps to keep the map itself clean and more user friendly for students wanting a revision aid.

We are pleased to be partnering with Wisdomap to help with the development of the resource. This is a challenger brand worth watching in the market space for mind-mapping software.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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