Women Remain Concentrated in Low-Paid Work
26th September 2013
I've just started looking at wage differentials and this Guardian piece and an ONS video from the other day give a contemporary take on the role of women in the workplace and their wages relative to those of men, even among professional classes.
The Guardian article below quantifies the changes in the labour force:
UK Women Remain Concentrated in Lower Paid Work
Here is the original ONS video link:
Whilst the labour force has become more female the rate of change has slowed, leaving women at a disadvantage. But surely you wouldn't expect it any other way. In getting rid of discrimination, won't societies pick the 'low hanging' fruit first? Thereafter, aren't there diminishing marginal returns to this sort of activism? Of course, some might argue that if you can generate sufficient momentum then why can't there be increasing marginal returns.
Apologies, it's just that as an economist, sometimes I simply think this way..