
Wiki Revision: A to Z on Monopoly

Geoff Riley

23rd April 2011

Here is a revision idea. Take a broad topic - in this case the economics of monopoly - and get students to enter items for an A to Z on that topic. Here is an A-Z relating to monopoly, I am sure we have missed out lots of ideas, can you add some in? If so please leave a comment!

A Allocative efficiency, abnormal profit
B Barriers to entry and exit, BAA - forced to sell some airports, brand loyalty
C Concentration ratio - a measure of monopoly power, collusive behaviour
D Deadweight loss of welfare, dynamic efficiency from R&D, De Beers - concentrated monopoly
E Equity issues - e.g. impact of monopoly on real incomes of poorer consumers
F First mover advantage in a market can give early entrants a head start over rivals
G Globalisation - can help to break down monopoly but also create powerful global brands
H Horizontal integration - merger/takeover between two firms at same stage of production
I Innovation in imperfect competion - who innovates more - a pure monopoly or an oligopoly?
J Jet, Easy - a low cost airline that helped to break the monopoly of scheduled airlines
K Kinked demand curve in an oligopoly
L Lock ins - e.g. consumer contracts for mobile phones, helps to reinforce market share
M Minimum efficient scale - high MES relative to demand suggests concentrated market
N Natural Monopoly - falling LRAC over large range of output, nationalised monopolies
O Office of Fair Trading - cartel-buster, investigating anti-competitive behaviour, organic growth
P Price discrimination, patents, price-capping, peak and off-peak pricing, producer surplus
Q Quantity produced restrictions, to ensure MC=MR - impact on welfare and profits
R Regulators - intervening in markets such as Royal Mail, Rail, Water, Gas and Electricity
S Supernormal profit in long run, sunk costs and exit barriers
T Takeover – when one firms acquires another to increase market share (horizontal, vertical)
U Underground - a natural monopoly? Think about importance of sunk costs.
V Variable costs - higher variable costs will lead to higher prices - depends on Ped
W Working monopoly - any firm with greater than 25% of the industries’ total sales
X X Inefficiencies if there is a lack of competition in a market
Y Yell - still has a dominant position in the directory market and is subject to price capping
Z Zero sum game, market share is a zero sum game - the battle for market dominance

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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