Why do firms exist?

28th July 2017
Ronald Coase’s classic article on the theory of the firm is explored in this special article from the Economist.
In a nutshell - Coase’s theory is that successful economies need both the benign dictatorship of the firm & the invisible hand of the market
Coase’s theory of the firm https://t.co/VO1pt7RlY2
— The Economist (@TheEconomist) July 28, 2017
Who needs shareholders - Greg Ip links to an article in the Wall Street Journal
Econ twitter: pls read @jmackin2 col on corps outsourcing R&D. Seems to violate Coase's theory of the firm, no? https://t.co/xez9paKUgR
— Greg Ip (@greg_ip) May 19, 2017
The challenge of big data to the standard corporation
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