
What’s that got to do with the price of chips

Steve Whiteley

13th November 2012

A good little case study to help explain effects of poor weather on supply. It could be the basis for a wider discussion of what would happen if more farmer leave the industry. Meanwhile, one could also refer to what might happen to the price of fish as a complement.Why chip shop owners are raising prices

The price of some basic foods are set to rise this winter because of a poor potato harvest.

Fish and chip ship owners are already having to increase their prices after a wet summer reduced the size, quality and quantity of potatoes across the country.

The sodden conditions also mean farmers are still struggling to get their crops out of the ground.

This time last year, the harvest was nearly over.

Ben Godfrey reports.

Steve Whiteley

Steve has been Head of Department at Reed's since 2007. He is also an experienced examiner of Economics and Business at GCSE and A Level.

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