
What makes a common currency run smoothly?

Jim Riley

18th February 2010

An alternative tool to revision - download a podcast!

On my research for international trade and currencies - I’ve subscribed to this podcast from the BBC, and today it has a special on common currencies and the Euro. The speakers discuss the differing ability of the Euro and Dollar to have an efficient exchange rate and the effect it has on it’s members.

More issues about ‘PIGS’ and the role of the Euro. Whether it can continue to survive the economic crisis and what ‘medicine’ the Euro Zone members will have to take to stabilise the currency. Some of the ‘sicker’ members will have to take more pain in order to survive!

A great revision tool for A2 Economists as an alternative to reading articles! You only need to listen to the 1st 13 minutes for the euro section. The second part is about the business of sport and impact of Olympics can have on an economy…. still useful economic issues!

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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