
What are your recommended iPad Apps?

Geoff Riley

15th September 2010

Several teaching colleagues have been spotted in my own staffroom brandishing their iPads and some students are also bringing them into lessons for note-taking, tweeting and other research activities. What are your favoured iPad apps? I have listed mine below. For those colleagues interested in following a lecturer who is experimenting in a bold fashion with iPads in the classroom, I recommend this blog: Teaching with Angst

DropBox - perhaps my most useful cloud-based service - a simple, easy and quick way to sync all of your files on different computers. Goodbye USB pen - you’ve had your day!

BBC news - their new iPad news service is clean and quick


Quickoffice - for handling word, excel and powerpoint files

Bloomberg news - really good especially for keeping right up to date with the markets when teaching and for emailing useful news stories to colleagues and students

The Reuters news app (both free) also serves a useful purpose

World FactBook

Twitter - the new Twitter iPad app is terrific and a real bonus in staff meetings!

Guardian EyeWitness for a selection of dramatic news photos

GoodReader for viewing pdf files

Penultimate for note taking and diagram drawing - nifty!

Datafinder for country level data

Wikipanion - the iPad version of Wikipedia

Please do add your suggestions or comments below!

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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