
Welcome to Economics!

Geoff Riley

7th September 2014

Welcome to the many new students taking Economics for the first time as schools and colleges begin a new school year. Here are some links for Economics students wanting to keep bang up to date with a fast moving subject! Impress your Economics teachers by showing them you are following the news and the many issues that form an important part of year 12 Economics courses. You'll reap the rewards too when it comes to the exams in the summer.

Keeping up to date with Economics – links for new economists

Here are some suggestions! We will keep adding them to this blog as the course develops this year.

General economics news and analysis:

tutor2u economics blog:

Scoop.It Boards for Economics Students:

Recommended Economics journalists


Economics teachers on twitter:

You Tube:

Weekly / regular economic briefings

Deloitte Briefing (highly recommended!):

BBC Business Daily:

More ambitious reading:

Project Syndicate:

Help with your Economics revision

tutor2u AS Economics revision workshops

tutor2u AS Economics revision guides

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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