
Watch out for the £7 chocolate bar!

Geoff Riley

9th November 2010

Will a collapse in global cocoa production bring an end to chocolate as an affordable treat and giver of blood sugar? This article from the Independent today was timely as I am teaching price volatility in commodity markets in my AS micro class as a prelude to discussions abour price intervention strategies such as maximum prices / buffer stock schemes etc. I have attached my class homework as a word file in case it is of use to colleagues.

Cocoa Economics (AS micro) Cocoa_Economics.docx

Here is a highly relevant section from a new report from Commodities Now

“World food prices have been trending higher as emerging markets have increased their share of global food demand due to rising populations and incomes. Food products are having to compete for finite resources such as water, land and fertiliser inputs and are increasingly being used for alternative applications such as bio-fuels. As an example, ethanol now accounts for approximately one-third of annual corn output in the US, up from 5% a decade ago.”

More here and some links to useful news articles.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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