
Using Twitter in Economics Courses

Geoff Riley

26th September 2014

A growing number of economics teachers are embracing twitter as a social media platform to support the work of their students and share their passion for a fast-moving subject. Twitter can be used for sharing useful links, examples of good/successful practice in the classroom and in helping to make sense of the news flow on all kinds of economics issues.

A variety of hash tags are being used by economics teachers but some of the following are among the most common and really help teachers and colleagues who want to streamline their twitter feed when focusing on specific exams or courses:

#econ1 for unit 1 AS micro

#econ2 for unit 2 AS macro

#econ3 for unit 3 A2 micro

#econ4 for unit 4 A2 macro

#ibecon for all tweets related to the IB economics course

#preuecon for Pre U economics students and teachers

#ecbusteach for teaching and learning related tweets

#economics is used widely by a number of economics-related organisations and publications such as the Economist, World Economic Forum etc; likewise check out #oecd and #imf or #worldbank for their output

We are always keen to share the great work and ideas that flow from departments across the UK and beyond. So please do follow us on twitter and we will follow back! Geoff Riley @tutor2u_econ Jon Clark @tutor2u_jon Jim Riley @tutor2u Graham Prior @tutor2u_graham and Michelle Stephenson @tutor2u_michelle

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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