
United Queendom -  Economics of Scottish independence

Geoff Riley

8th September 2014

The economics of Scottish independence has been turned in to a gay romantic comedy in an online series launching today. The mini-series ‘United Queendom’ tells the story of a couple on the verge of separation: Scott and Adrian argue over oils (for the bath), who controls the credit card, membership of ‘The Club’ and whether they should aspire to be like their neighbour, the Scandinavian model.At the end of each episode, the viewer is presented with a choice of endings and votes on whether the couple breaks up or stays together. Embracing the apathy of some of today’s voters, the poll also includes an option for those who just ‘don’t care’. The ending with the most views will be declared the winner.

The series centres on a gay relationship and is full of hidden references to the economics but it is produced for a general audience. Denham adds: ‘This series is universal. I want everyone in the world to be able to watch and take part.'

The series releases today in four mini episodes (5-7 minutes each). The episodes are as follows.

#1 – SCOTT'S INDEPENDENCE – Scott thinks about going alone

#2 – ADRIAN'S WALL – Adrian puts up barriers of his own

#3 – THE SCANDINAVIAN MODEL – She's an inspiration

#4 – DECISION TIME – In or out, once and for all

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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