
Unit 4 Macro M-PESA supporting growth and development

Geoff Riley

15th July 2012

M-PESA is a mobile payment solution launched in March 2007 and credited with having a significant impact on economic development in Kenya. This blog will carry updated resources on M-PESA and it’s economic and social impact. Click below for resources

Basic Background:

  • Launched in March 2007
  • Named after the Swahili for money (pesa)
  • Operated by Safaricom (40% owned by UK mobile phone business Vodafone)
  • Originally a micro-finance project
  • Less than 10% of Kenyans have access to financial services - huge un tapped / repressed demand for basic banking
  • Nine out of ten adults have access to a mobile phone in Kenya
  • By 2009 M-PESA had 6.5 million customers, more recent figure suggests 15.1 million on the system
  • Around 20% of Kenyan GDP washes through the M-PESA system
  • Safaricom is not allowed to make a profit on the interest and neither is the customer
  • Interest earnings go into a charitable M-PESA foundation
  • M-PESA has been very successful in Tanzania but has had less impact in Afghanistan and India
  • Airtel is the main domestic rival, formerly called Zain and now owned by India’s Bharti Airtel,

M-PESA used in myriad different ways - Kenyans pay school fees, collect their salaries, shop for groceries, buy everything from drinks in beer shacks to airline tickets thanks to mobile money, sending transfers at the push of a few buttons on a mobile telephone. As per capita incomes rise, people will make savings using the system or might be able to take out loans.

M-PESA - Changing lives in a changing world

BBC News: M-Pesa: Kenya’s mobile wallet revolution

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Guardian: Africa’s mobile economic revolution

‘Mobile Banking: Case of M-Pesa’, Nick Hughes

BBC News: How mobile puts business at the tip of Africa’s fingers (July 2012)

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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