
Unit 4 Macro: France loses her AAA credit rating

Geoff Riley

15th January 2012

It is perhaps a moment of more political than economic significance, but on Friday 13th January 2012 Standard and Poors, a leading credit rating agency announced that France was losing her triple A (AAA) credit rating for sovereign debt. It was part of a larger downgrading of government bonds among a sizeable chunk of Euro Zone countries, the argument being that plans to achieve deficit reduction lacked credibility. France was downgraded, S&P also lowered the long-term ratings on Austria, Malta, Slovakia, and Slovenia, by one notch. The rating levels for Cyprus, Italy, Portugal and Spain were dropped two notches.

Here is a brief Channel 4 report on the news and some other links to the story. Only four Euro Zone countries now have an AAA rating. Do you know who they are?

Economist: Average common denominator

Guardian: Eurozone crisis: As sales start in Paris, the Élysée is discounted too

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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