
Unit 4 Macro: EdExcel Unit 4 Macro Exam Topic Tracker

Geoff Riley

10th September 2013

This blog tracks question topics on the EdExcel Unit 4 macro paper. It will be updated as soon as possible after each exam session.

June 2013

Essay Topics

1a: Causes of faster economic growth in developing compared to developed countries

1b: Monetary policy and economic growth in developed countries

2a: Causes of trade imbalances (deficits and surpluses)

2b: Evaluate means by which trade imbalances can be reduced

3a: Assess the effects of globalisation on inequality in the world economy

3b: Evaluate impact of policies designed to reduce inequality in a country of your choice

Data Response

4: Africa

  • External debt relief and the balance of payments
  • Analysis of two benefits of improved technology for Africa
  • Impact on poverty of economic growth in Africa
  • Assess reasons why Africa is shaking off decades of decline
  • Evaluate factors that limit economic development in many African countries

5: Brazil

  • Changes in Brazil’s GDO
  • Analysis of two causes of an appreciation of the currency
  • Likely effects of a currency appreciation on the balance of payments
  • Assessment of problems associated with primary product dependenc
  • Evaluate benefits of inward FDI for a country such as Brazil

June 2012

Essay Topics

1a: Rising global commodity prices and impact on the global economy

1b: Macro policies to respond to high commodity prices and slow economic growth

2a: Significance of 3 factors that limit development

2b: Debt cancellation and trade liberalization – evaluating effects on development

3a: Transnational companies as driver of globalisation

3b: To what extent do costs of globalisation outweigh the benefits

Data Response

4: Inequality

  • Absolute and relative poverty
  • Measurement of inequality
  • Inequality and the capitalist process
  • Reasons for changing inequality within countries
  • Evaluate policies that can reduce inequality within countries

5: Crisis in the Euro Zone

  • Budget deficit and the national debt
  • Problems of weak growth and high unemployment for debt-ridden countries
  • Different growth rates for Euro Zone and non Euro Zone countries
  • Policies to improve competitiveness of PIGS
  • Evaluating the case for fast reduction of fiscal deficits

June 2011

Essay Topics

1a: Causes of increases in fiscal deficits in different countries

1b: Evaluating case for cutting G rather than tax rises as way to cut fiscal deficits

2a: Causes of absolute poverty in a developing country

2b: Is reducing absolute poverty sufficient to achieve economic development?

3a: Economic effects of the growth of regional trading blocs

3b: Do the benefits of membership of a monetary union outweigh the costs?

Data Response

4: Sub-Saharan Africa and the Global Recession

  • Concept of a minimum desirable growth rate
  • Explaining faster growth in S-SA compared to advanced countries
  • Assess benefits of FDI into primary industries
  • Assess benefits of increased trade between S-SA and BRICs
  • To what extent might aid from the BRICs aid development in S-SA?

5: Trade Imbalances

  • Explaining the role of the WTO
  • Effects of an under-valuation of the Chinese Yuan on the US economy
  • Impact of a rise in US savings as a way of correcting trade imbalances
  • Evaluation – are large trade imbalances a cause for concern?
  • Evaluating impact of tariffs by Mexico et al on US consumers and producers

June 2010

Essay Topics

1a: Cause of income and wealth inequality

1b: Economic effects of 50% top rate income tax on UK economy

2a: Primary product dependency – a constraint on development?

2b: Evaluate four ways in which growth and development can be promoted

3a: Examining causes of a fall in international competitiveness

3b: Evaluating strategies for businesses and governments to improve competitiveness

Data Response

4: The Global Financial Crisis

  • Characteristics of de-globalisation
  • Reasons why some countries have suffered a deeper recession than others
  • Effects of recession on countries with well-established tourist industries
  • Why the banking crisis has hit global trade so severely
  • Likely effects of an increase in protectionism in the global economy

5: Public Finances

  • Explaining changes in the size of the UK fiscal deficit
  • Examining problems resulting from worsening public finances
  • Evaluating reasons why the UK was in a weak position following 2007 GFC
  • Likely effectiveness of monetary policy post financial crisis
  • Likely implications of the 25% depreciation of sterling from 2009 onwards

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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