
Unit 3 Micro: Trade Union and Industrial Stoppages

Geoff Riley

25th February 2012

I am teaching trade unions as part of our study of labour markets in the UK and the rest of Europe. This data from Timetric tracks the number of days lost from industrial disputes / stoppages and is always useful in providing historical context. Data on UK trade union membership can be found here

  • Trade union density for employees in the UK was just 26.6 per cent in 2010
  • Trade union membership levels for UK employees was 6.5 million compared with 2009. Across all sectors of the economy, just under half of UK employees (46.1 per cent in 2010) were in a workplace where a trade union was present
  • The hourly earnings of union members, according to the LFS, averaged £14.00 in 2010, 16.7 per cent more than the earnings of non-members (£12.00 per hour)

Includes working days lost, stoppages and workers involved

Data from Timetric.

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Labour Market: Labour disputes, UK from Timetric

Number of stoppages

Data from Timetric.

To view this graph, please install Adobe Flash Player.

Labour Market: Labour disputes, UK from Timetric

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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