
Unit 2 Macro: Focus on UK Manufacturing

Geoff Riley

6th March 2012

There have been lots of stories in recent days about the future for UK industry / manufacturing - here is a selection of audio and video links:

BBC Today Programme: UK Industrial Policy

Mariana Mazzucato, professor of economics and chair in science and technology policy at the University of Sussex, told the Today programme’s Evan Davis that a coherent industry strategy, supporting innovation and productivity, has been “lacking in the UK” in the last 10 years. LISTEN HERE

BBC Today Programme: Industry policy ‘creating brain drain’

Richard Wilson, CEO of computer games industry body TIGA, said that while the UK has been “enormously successful” in building a successful games industry without government intervention, the UK is now losing out to key competitors such as Canada and Singapore who have introduced very generous tax breaks LISTEN HERE

Nissan invests in a new vehicle for the Sunderland factory

Channel 4 News: Can we pin our hopes on the UK auto industry?

Is there a coherent UK industrial policy? (April 2013)

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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