
Unit 1 Micro: Highest and Lowest Paid Jobs in the UK

Geoff Riley

26th February 2012

A summary of the highest and lowest paid jobs in the UK labour market can be found here. I often use this data and resource links as starting points for discussion introductory labour market economics for EdExcel Unit 1 and it might also be handy for AQA Unit 3 economics.

Highest paid
Median Gross Weekly Pay (£s)

1 Directors and chief executives of major organisations 1,955.9
2 Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 1,437.3
3 Senior officials in national government 1,408.9
4 Medical practitioners 1,289.5
5 Air traffic controllers 1,168.2
6 Police officers (inspectors and above) 1,122.6
7 Financial managers and chartered secretaries 1,086.7
8 Brokers 1,073.2
9 Managers in mining and energy 1,038.3
10 Public service administrative professionals 941.5

Lowest paid
Median Gross Weekly Pay (£s)

1 School mid-day assistants 233.3
2 Waiters, waitresses 244.8
3 Hairdressers, barbers 245.9
4 Bar staff 248.5
5 Kitchen and catering assistants 251.5
6 Launderers, dry cleaners, pressers 257.6
7 Retail cashiers and check-out operators 262.7
8 Floral arrangers, florists 265.0
9 Playgroup leaders/assistants 265.3
10 Leisure and theme park attendants 265.8

UK earnings data for 2011

Median gross annual earnings (£) 26,244
Median gross weekly earnings (£) 500.7
Median gross hourly earnings (£) 12.71
Male Median gross annual earnings (£) 28,409
Female Median gross annual earnings (£) 22,910
Male Median gross hourly earnings (£) 13.23
Female Median gross hourly earnings (£) 11.92

Median Gross annual earnings (£)
Industry sector 2011
Accommodation and food service activities 16,141
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 20,075
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 20,400
Arts, entertainment and recreation 21,178
Human health and social work activities 24,554
Real estate activities 25,071
Manufacturing 26,226
Transportation and storage 26,239
All industries and services 26,244
Construction 27,596
Education 28,608
Professional, scientific and technical activities 32,277
Information and Communication 35,028
Financial and insurance activities 35,697
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 36,202
Mining and quarrying 41,023

Other resources

Channel 4 news: wages stand still for 30 years

Channel 4 news: The Squeezed Britain study

Reducing the pay gap in companies

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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