
Unit 1 Micro: Has the time come for a Tobin Tax?

Geoff Riley

6th November 2011

This week I am setting my AS micro students a question on proposals for a Tobin Tax - partly because it is hugely topical and also as a way of developing their evaluation skills on paper and coming to a reasoned final conclusion. Here are some of the links to suggested reading and some video shorts on this topic:

BBC news: What is a Tobin Tax?

Belfast Telegraph: Bill Gates tells G20: The world needs a Tobin Tax

What is the ‘Tobin Tax’ on currency trading?

Reuters Video: UK attacks Tobin Tax plan

Reuters Video: A ‘Tobin’ tax would not reduce market volatility - academic

Guardian Video: Bill Nighy stars in Robin Hood tax campaign

BBC news video: Bill Gates explains his support for a Tobin tax

BBC news: Q&A on the Tobin Tax

Wall Street Journal: The Tobin Tax Mirage

Money Week Magazine:

See also

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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