
UKIP, Immigration and the UK’s place in the EU

Ben Christopher

11th October 2014

Are UKIP (who finally have their MP after the by-election in Clacton) really the party of "fear and division"? After last nights discussion on BBC Radio 4's Any Questions, one might be inclined to think so. Excellent for #econ2 and especially #econ4 where Britain's EU membership is studied alongside the arguments for/against further integration and more specifically the economic effects of inward migration (Paul Nuttal) vs the benefits 2 million Brits get from living outside the UK but in the EU (rest of the panel). This feitsy part of the debate starts around 16mins 44 secs and leaves it very clear what UKIP's stance is on the matter. BBC Radio 4 Any Questions?

Ben Christopher

Now teaching in Dubai.

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