UK National Accounts for 2007
28th March 2008
The revised 4th quarter national income data for the UK has been published. There is a brief report here. Lehman Brothers have also released a pessimistic forecast for the UK predicting a one-in-three chance of an outright recession.
Now that the data is in I have revised my macro charts for showing the various components of aggregate demand for the UK - I often hand this out to AS macro students so that they can get a feel for the numbers and the difference in scale between for example household spending and capital investment. I have put some of these charts into the accompanying PowerPoint
Components of aggregate demand UK economic cycle over the last 30 years Real GDP since the mid 1970s Macro objectives - growth, inflation and unemployment for the UK since 1989
I hope that these might be useful in macro revision sessions
PowerPoint file Aggregate_Demand_UK.ppt