
Two Weeks Until teachECON!

Geoff Riley

27th September 2010

We are spending a lot of time this week putting resources together for the teachECON events in London and Manchester - the Manchester workshop is just a fortnight away and we hit London on the 18th of October - which is also my birthday! Ruth and I are working on starter and experimental economics exercises covering both micro and macroeconomic topics. Our aim is simple - to produce a day full of variety and a set of delegate resources and ideas that you can take away and use and develop in the classroom!

Some of the teaching topics we will be covering include:

Wage differentials Minimum wages Price discrimination in cinemas and in car rental markets Economic effects of exchange rate changes Income and cross price elasticity of demand Assignments in transport economics Externalities Network effects The impact of stimulus policies on a local town Classic clips from films and documentaries to reinforce economic principles

Digital Tools for Reflective Assignments

The tools available for students to use ICT to research and deliver assignments as part of their learning experience change at a frightening pace. In this session we will be suggesting ways of giving economics students a variety of opportunities to develop their own narrative and deepen understanding of key concepts through the web.

We will put up some more snapshots of teaching resources as we slide them into the delegate packs! Further details of the teachECON events can be found here.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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