
tutor2u Economics Resources for Spring 2010 - Order Form

Jim Riley

18th January 2010

We’ve had several requests today from centres wanting to upgrade and/or update their departmental resources with our popular range of digital course companions for AS & A2 Economics. Chrissie has put together a revised order form for the most popular digital economics materialsm, including OCR Unit F585 Pre-release June 2010 for which she is now taking pre-orders.

The digital courses companions make a really cost-effective and revision-friendly addition to the departmental materials. Our network licence pricing means that you can copy the materials to all your class sets, in various formats. A great way of boosting their study materials as the important Easter term picks up teaching intensity. Here is the link:

Download tutor2u AS & A2 Economics Resource Order Form - Spring 2010

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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