
Tuesday Talks! The Smell of Money

Ruth Tarrant

2nd March 2011

A fascinating half-hour broadcast on Radio 4 yesterday really grabbed my attention - The Smell of Money looks at the growing prevalence of the cashless society, and its implications for modern economies. A lovely accompanying article on the impact of forged money can be found here.

As a short extension activity that could follow on from using these resources, students could consider the following question (one of my favourite mock interview questions):

Suppose that aliens on Mars have found a way of forging our money so that it is completely indistinguishable from ‘official’ currency. They then come to Earth on a shopping spree, and take their purchased goods back with them to Mars. Who pays the cost of the shopping spree?

Ruth Tarrant

Ruth has been Subject Lead in Economics at tutor2u for many years after a career of teaching Economics, Business, Politics and Maths in a range of secondary schools. She is a highly experienced A level Economics Examiner, and also teaches undergraduate Economics on a very part-time basis at the University of Oxford. Ruth is passionate about making economics fun, engaging and accessible.

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