In the News

Trade Frictions: Brexit Customs Checks Come into Force

Graham Watson

1st May 2024

New post-Brexit customs checks have come into force, and represent yet another cost of Brexit. Higher prices and less consumer choice, exactly what Leave voters chose. Proof that turkeys sometimes vote for Christmas. As this article notes, a the co-owner of a flower company expects the border checks "to cost his business between £200,000 and £225,000 per year."

At least it's not the case that everyone loses out from Brexit! The Irish government has received a 700m euro windfall from increased customs duties as once free trade between Britain and Eire has been replaced by trade with tariffs.

So, despite it costing consumers more to buy goods, the Irish government now have more revenues - in what sense is this welfare enhancing though? Or isn't it?

At least it's not the case that everyone loses out from Brexit! The Irish government has received a 700m euro windfall from increased customs duties as once free trade between Britain and Eire has been replaced by trade with tariffs.

So, despite it costing consumers more to buy goods, the Irish government now have more revenues - in what sense is this welfare enhancing though? Or isn't it?

Graham Watson

Graham Watson has taught Economics for over twenty years. He contributes to tutor2u, reads voraciously and is interested in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.

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