Topic updates
Fixing Globalisation – Jim O’Neill in conversation with George Osborne
This is a 17 minute interview that might be used an enrichment for students evaluating the challenges to globalisation.
The End of China Inc?
This is a follow-up to the blog about Robert Peston's analysis of prospects for the Chinese economy. I think this report from Al Jazeerah is significantly better - not least because of some...
BBC This World - The Great Chinese Crash (2016)
My Year 13 economists are starting serious preparation for an essay on China in their final preU exam this June.
Crash and the Michael Fish Moment for Economists
Here's a summary from the BBC regarding the similarities between Michael Fish's hurricane-forecasting disaster from 1987 and the failure of central banks to correctly forecast the financial crisis...
China's Future Economy
The FT's Beijing Correspondent Yuan Yang journeys into the manufacturing heartlands of the Chinese interior and finds that rapid industrial growth is giving way to less secure and less well paid...
The Journey of an iPhone from Factory to Retail Store
You could make a case for using this one article to revise almost the entire A level economics course! The New York Times follows the journey of an iPhone from factory floor to retail store.
Will a fall in labour migration hurt the UK economy?
Jonathan Portes considers some of the possible effects of a significant reduction in net inward migration from the EU after the UK's Brexit. He argues that " the impacts should not be overstated...
Five industries under threat from creative destruction
A superb piece here from the Financial Times focuses on five industries where revenues, profits and jobs are under threat from creative destruction.
2016 in Review
I suspect quite a few of us will be happy to put 2016 to bed. I'm not a fan of lengthy annual assessments of the world economy and geo-Politics. But this short FT video is a timely reminder of some...
Natural Capital - The Battle for Biodiversity
Annually, the world spends nearly $40 billion on pesticides but only $50 billion a year on protecting bio-diversity. To sustain We are destroying the natural resources, wildlife and habitats that...
Martin Wolf on Global Economy in 2017
In this ten minute interview, Martin Wolf and Lionel Barber from the FT discuss prospects for the world economy.
Special Economic Zones and Growth in Bangladesh
Few countries in recent times have given more attention to setting up special economic zones than Bangladesh.
Sully and the Gaze Heuristic
Sully directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Tom Hanks is a gripping and multi-layered recounting of the remarkable landing of a American Airlines plane on the icy Hudson River.
The Economics of GAFA Businesses
What is GAFA? Find out from this summary of key notes from a seminar held at the Bank of England, in which Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google considers some of the effects of cutting edge...
How BAE is tackling the productivity gap
Britain's relative low level of labour productivity is widely recognised as one of the UK's key structural economic weaknesses. The FT has paid a visit to BAE Systems' new training academy near...
Innovation: Mariana Mazzucato
A short two minute video featuring Professor Mariana Mazzucato on the importance of both horizontal, as well as vertical, government policies and investment for innovation led growth.
How banks make money: Lending spreads
The latest Bank of England Financial Stability report provides a super chart showing average interest rates on loans and savings deposits.
Banking Stress Tests: RBS remains the weakest link
As part of the revamped system of financial regulation introduced since the 2008 global financial crisis, the Bank of England subjects Britain’s leading commercial banks to regular stress tests.
Update on Trumponomics
We will be adding resources to this blog entry on the economic fall out from the election of Donald Trump as President.
The Pension Conundrum
Bob Denham and his team at Econ Films has produced a new short film on how changes in average life expectancy is affecting pension pay outs. Can public sector pensions continue to pay out?