
Timetric: Mortgage Lending and Mortgage Rates

Geoff Riley

14th March 2011

Want to purchase a property? Chances are that you will need a mortgage to finance the deal and you will also need to find someone prepared to lend you the money. The fallout from the credit crunch continues to haunt the UK mortgage market with monthly loans to property-buyers stuck at very low levels. The average mortgage interest rate on a standard variable rate loan is low but most mortgage lenders have cut the % loan to housing valuation ratio meaning that buyers must find a hefty deposit to clinch the deal. Our Timetric chart (below) is always updated so you can keep up to speed with what is happening to mortgage lending and the cost of home loans in the UK property market.

Mortgage interest rates and mortgage loans

Data from Timetric.

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Bank of England from Timetric

Average price of new houses in the UK

Data from Timetric.

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United Kingdom from Timetric

Mortgage equity withdrawal

Data from Timetric.

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Bank of England from Timetric

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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