
The UK Housing Slump in Charts

Geoff Riley

8th December 2008

Here is an updated 14 chart series bringing together the latest UK housing market data charts. Available for download as a PowerPoint file

Slide titles: House prices now falling faster than in previous property recessions The asking price trend tells us it is a buyers market Confidence is melting away in construction Jobs will go in building … can public sector investment projects limit the downside? New housing starts have collapsed – supply responding to falling demand And capital investment in new dwellings is falling sharply – a casualty of the recession Base rates are down but mortgage interest rates have only dipped a little Prices are more affordable for first time buyers – but mortgage availability is poor Tracker rates have become more popular – I wonder why! Nowhere is recession proof! And fewer property owners are prepared to extract equity from their homes Mortgage supply dries up The property recession will amplify the broader economic downturn But might just help our trade deficit!

Presentation The_UK_Housing_Slump_in_Charts.ppt

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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