
The Health of British Business - Ian Stewart at the ETNC

Geoff Riley

26th April 2011

I am delighted to say that Ian Stewart, Chief Economist for Deloitte has agreed to speak at our annual Economics Teacher National Conference. Ian has a wealth of experience in understanding the ebbs and flows of the macroeconomy and judging the health of corporate Britain as the economy seeks a durable recovery.

He will be presenting Deloitte’s latest view on prospects for the UK with a particular focus on the decisions that businesses are taking on jobs, investment, mergers and takeovers and much more besides.

Ian is the author of the excellent Deloitte Monday Briefings - a tremendous resource for students and teachers who like to have an intelligent and focused updated on key economic developments and emerging policy themes.

The 2011 Economics teacher National Conference takes place at the superb British Library Conference Auditorium, St Pancras, London on Wednesday 29 June 2011 starting at 1030am.

The aim of the day is for Economics teachers from many different countries to enjoy some presentations and discussions on issues of contemporary importance and also to refresh their passion and enthusiasm for this great subject!

Coffee and other light refreshments are available at the venue from 9.30am and the lunch at the British Library is usually tremendous.

Our venue is just a couple of minutes stroll from Euston, St Pancras and King’s Cross. There is a complimentary drinks receptions straight after the event for those who wish to celebrate the approach of summer and the end of the academic year. And an added treat this year will be the chance not only to pay a visit to the British Library itself, but also the newly opened hotel at St Pancras!

Provisional bookings can be made here

There are great prices for departmental deals - both for this event and also the Business Teacher National Conference on Thursday 30th June.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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