
The Economic Importance of Manufacturing

Geoff Riley

20th June 2011

I think Alan Sugar is a clown, he is about as comfortable with true entrepreneurship as Ryan Giggs is at a family wedding. His somewhat crass remarks about having never come across an engineer who has succeeded in business has prompted a wave of responses from the business community. Here is a selection of articles: And I have included an article by Luke Johnson which takes the Apprentice to bits and castigates it as a show that demonstrates that the BBC is not serious about real business.

Management Today: Engineering debate: whither China?

James Dyson in the Guardian: Engineers always do the business, Lord Sugar.... “at base, engineering is about problem-solving and inventing, making lives better through developing new technology.

Telegraph: ‘Brain drain’ risk to re-balancing UK economy

Daily Mail: Britain’s engineers blow a fuse after Sir Alan Sugar brands them business failures

and finally (an article not to miss!)

Luke Johnson: A loathsome show, a panto villain host and an insult to business

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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