
The Big Question looks at carbon trading

Geoff Riley

11th March 2008

Plenty of environmental economics in today’s edition of the Independent. The regular Big Question feature looks at the costs and benefits of carbon trading in the wake of the government’s support for fresh investment in coal fired power stations. Read The Big Question: What is carbon trading, and will it help in the battle against climate change?

Their editorial lays into Chancellor Alastair Darling for being ready to sacrifice environmental targets because of a faltering economy.

“Environmental levies need two key features. The first is that they be substantial enough to change behaviour. The second, and no less important, is that the proceeds are seen to be channelled into green schemes, or to provide tax breaks for those who make more environmentally friendly choice.”

Read: Make the polluters pay, and give the others a break

Finally there is a feature on how the effects of climate change tend to hit disproportionately the poorest communities around the world - the costs of adapting to climate change are enormous and some regions and communities are least able to cope.

More environmental news and features in the Independent are available here

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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