
The alternative to capitalism - the Smurfs?

Ben Cahill

17th October 2011

With the “Occupy Wall Street” protests spreading around the globe, it seems that the diverse nature of those protesting makes it difficult to get a definitive answer on what they actually want. For some, capitalism itself is the enemy but what could take its place? The answer to that comes from the Smurfs!

Yes - the Smurfs lived in a Communist utopia, according to this youtube video. Everything was done for the common good, without the need for any currency. In general, life was great, except for when Gargamel (representing evil Capitalism) tried to destroy their society. And what of the resemblance between these two?

So if the alternative to capitalism is a life like the Smurfs then perhaps I will join the protests. This of course is on the proviso that in the new society the ratio of men to women is not the same as the Smurfs!

And to finish off, here are a few of my favourite pictures dealing with the Wall Street protests smile

Ben Cahill

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