
Tesco - Time to start a price war!

Geoff Riley

19th January 2011

Here is some pure gold dust for students of competition and strategy in the food retailing industry! A leading analyst (Dave McCarthy at Evolution Securities) has written a lengthy research document building the case for Tesco to launch an aggressive price war - permanently cutting prices on hundreds of different items. Much of the case for the price discounting is reproduced in this Guardian article and key arguments are that Tesco is better able to withstand the hit on group profits from doing it, and that lowering the returns from the sector will help to bring an end to the land grab and building programme that ultimately may not be in anyone’s interests.

Has Tesco lost its way recently? Sainsbury’s was the best performing supermarket over the Christmas period. Its like-for-like sales were up by 3.6%. I have stopped shopping at Tesco partly because the retail experience is so dire (the mega store in Slough is just about the most soulless place on the planet) and also because Sainsbury’s and Waitrose have significantly raised their game in keeping products available on the shelves and in extending their value range. The Waitrose “Essentials” range has been a big success.

A new CEO provides a window of opportunity for a change of direction at Tesco and this analyst believes that Tesco needs to exploit first mover advantage before the rivals become too strong to absorb future price wars.

Read: Analyst advises Tesco to launch a price war to damage the competition

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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