
Ten Economists I Follow on Twitter

Geoff Riley

19th December 2016

There are lots of Economists who are active in the twitter sphere. Here is my selection of ten who inform, enrich, amuse and engage in equal measure!

My ten economists are (in no particular order):

Danny Blanchflower - Dartmouth Economics Professor, ex MPC of the BoE - @D_Blanchflower

Frances Stuart - Emeritus Professor of Development Economics, University of Oxford - @Some0172

Ken Rogoff - Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University - @krogoff

Tim Harford - Author of Messy; Undercover Economist at the FT - @TimHarford

Diane Coyle - Enlightened Economist. Professor of Economics, University of Manchester - @DianeCoyle1859

Ed Conway - Economics editor of Sky News - @EdConwaySky

Noreena Hertz - ITV's Economics editor - @noreenahertz

Kamal Ahmed - BBC Economics Editor - @bbckamal

Linda Yueh - Economist at University of Oxford, China expert - @lindayueh

Bert Hofman - tweeting about development economics, China and Africa especially - @berthofmanecon

Here are some recent examples of their contributions on Twitter

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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