
TED Talks- Income Inequality

David Carpenter

8th March 2012

I’m going to use Richard Wilkinson’s very interesting TED talk about the serious negative effects of income inequality in my lesson tomorrow about income distribution. Read on to find out about this video and how I will use it to aid classroom discussion of this topic.

I’m going to start my year 12 lesson on income distribution by getting the class to watch this video, which does an excellent job of arguing that many of society’s ills can be put down to having a large level of income inequality. To keep them focused, as it is a little over 15 minutes, they’ll be completing this worksheet as we go (and I may stop once or twice during the video to discuss their answers).

I then intend to focus on a more detailed class discussion of the final question on my worksheet- ‘what can be done to reduce income inequality?’. This will then lead on to an exercise where I’ll be getting them to attempt to evaluate the policies they have suggested- a key skill for the fast-approaching exams.

I hope this is useful to fellow colleagues- enjoy!

David Carpenter

Teacher of Economics and Business at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School in Kent. Always interested in new ideas and methods for teaching these subjects, as well as keeping up to date with the latest news.

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