Super fast food nation

26th November 2009
The Independent yesterday carried an article on the continued rapid growth of fast food businesses in the UK. Across over 700 UK town centres the number of outlets for EAT, Pret A Manger, Dominos, KFC and Subway is expanding whereas Wimpy, Burger King and MacDonald’s have seen a reduction in outlets (partly a strategic refocusing of where to locate). Total market demand seems flat and perhaps declining.
“In the 10 biggest cities, fast-food outlets soared by 8.2 per cent to 1,456 premises, with London, Edinburgh and Glasgow leading the way…according to the consultancy Allegra Strategies, the value of the informal eating-out market in the UK actually shrank by 0.5 per cent to £40.3bn in 2009.”
Here is the link - there is value here for students looking at the fast food industry as a case study of imperfect competition / contestable markets