
Skills Shortages and Supply-Side Policy: Brazil’s Boom Needs Talent

Ben Christopher

27th June 2011

Great article here from the WSJ highlighting the problems Brazil is facing recruiting the right people to cope with its booming economy - “To cope with a talent shortage, many multinationals are beefing up internship programs, spending more on training and salaries and relocating workers from flat or declining markets. Particularly in demand: English-speaking managers and engineers, as well as those with experience in business development.”

There´s a growing market for equipping people with the skills Brazil´s economy needs right now, one in which the government has been slow to react to - “local colleges and universities in Brazil were caught off guard by the economic boom. For-profit schools are attempting to fill the gap, but for now many multinational companies say they are having to educate their own employees.

I imagine the government will try to play catch up and embark on programmes designed to provide new industries with the skill sets required alongside other supply side policies so that Brazilians as well as the growing number of expats can also benefit from the good times.

Ben Christopher

Now teaching in Dubai.

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