
Fears rise for a double dip over the pond

Geoff Riley

25th August 2010

There are some very worrying signs for the United States today with the news that new home sales (for completed properties and those under construction) have dropped to to their lowest level for nearly 50 years. Dr Doom, Noruiel Roubini has tweeted that the risk of a double dip recession in advanced economies (comprising the USA, Japan, the Eurozone and the UK) has now risen to 40%.

The fall in new home sales is taken as a litmus test of weakening confidence and signs that the fiscal and monetary policy stimulus policies have started to run out of steam. Unemployment claims in the USA are up to 500K per month and a fresh descent into recession in the labouy-intensive US construction industry will give deeper deflationary pressure on the world’s largest economy. Since the start of the global financial crisis, US construction businesses have shed more than two million jobs.

In a related feature, Nouriel Roubini takes tea with the Economist and discusses some of the main systemic risks for the global economy.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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