In the News
Richard Thaler wins the Nobel Prize for his Contributions to Behavioural Economics

9th October 2017
This is genuinely good news for our wonderful subject! One of the guiding lights behind behavioural economics has been awarded the 2017 Nobel in Economics.
Thaler is the author of Nudge and latterly wrote Misbehaving which chronicles the story of attempts to bring behavioural insights and theories into mainstream economics. Thaler of course made a cameo appearance alongside Selina Gomez in The Big Short, the oscar-winning film looking at the causes of the collapse in the US sub-prime mortgage market.
According to the Nobel Committee when making their citation:
"In total, Richard Thaler’s contributions have built a bridge between the economic and psychological analyses of individual decision-making."
Below we have brought together some of the coverage of the news that Richard Thaler has won a Nobel Prize in Economics.
Watch Professor Richard Thaler in The Big Short
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