
Revision: The Pound Falls to 5 Year Low against the Euro

Geoff Riley

27th March 2008

Today’s revision note is on exchange rates and is designed for AS students - the pound has slipped to a five year low against the Euro. It is perhaps the result of the Euro’s strength against the US dollar rather than any fundamental collapse in market sentiment against sterling.

The currency markets are expecting the Bank of England to cut official policy interest rates further this summer (the Governor of the Bank of England hinted strongly that this will happen in evidence to the Treasury Select Committee yesterday and the Chief Economist at the BoE, Charles Bean, has said that he expects the pound to fall further!). So while £1 will still buy you more than $2 but it will get you only Euro 1.28.

The revision note is available for download as a pdf file below.

Here are two recent BBC news clips on the effects of exchange rate changes - both useful for macro revision purposes.

How currency changes hit firms

Strong euro hits UK importers

Revision note file


Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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